Nirahara Samyama
November 2, 2021

One of the biggest disorders human beings are facing is over-eating. More people die due to obesity than due to malnutrition. The science of living beyond food or Nithyananda Nirahara Samyama (its variations include: Rama Nirahara Samyayama, Krishna Nirahara Samyayama and Veda Vyasa Nirahara Samyayama) opens up dimensions for humanity that tap into the innate intelligence and reawakens the infinite possibilities of surviving on the energy derived directly from ether or space. Encouraging humanity to purify themselves and realize the true purpose of life – Living Enlightenment, without having any external input like food or water.

Nithyananda Nirahara Samyama aims to strengthen the realization that living a healthy, blissful life without solid food is possible and most practical. Nithyananda Nirahara Samyama brings peace to the inner self and breaks one’s addictions, mental patterns and overcomes psychosomatic conditions. The rejuvenating nature of Nithyananda Nirahara Samyama often leads to a permanent lifestyle in most who continue to explore the uncharted depths of their being. Nirahara state is every single being’s birthright.


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